The Story Behind the Special $99 Mother’s Day Gift

For this husband & father, nothing sits more monolithically as a roadblock to domestic bliss than giving lousy last minute Mother’s Day gifts.  Oh sure, there’s the odd year I remembered a diamond bracelet or new towels. If you are running out now (probably Amazon) to purchase either excellent suggestion, congratulations, you can hit delete.  But I think this is widespread annoyance.

For me too often it’s the Saturday/ Sunday morning  sprint to the 24 Hour Rite-Aid.  It’s a desperate search for something ANYTHING that says clever card or worse, ‘gift’.  And aren’t the kids useless until reminded?  Spoiled, preoccupied, selfish- they should alert me when the dreaded day is barreling down!  Mostly it’s my wife who reminds me.  She says she’s getting our mothers/aunts Mother’s Day gifts, but really she is trying to drop a subtle hint.  Often too subtle. 

Out of this chronic pain comes a brilliant solution:  Using any mobile device we remotely interview you and/or the kids about Mom.  We do it in a fun, heartwarming way.  In minutes.  Any time of day that’s good.  I think that’s the best part.  Tell us when to call and you are done.  And we deliver a link so Mom can keep it right on her phone to watch over and over, as you bask in your self-satisfied glow of a job done well.  We call it  Check it out before you order that diamond bracelet!